Elm City Dad | Elm City Mom

This Sucks

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I'm very happy to be here at home to help the family, and the timing for my trip worked out very well. My youngest bro Mike left on Wednesday for a business trip and he has been able to go over to the rehab center nightly to see Mom and help Dad. But since he's gone, I can cover for him and make sure Mom always has one of us nearby.

But I tell you this: walking out of the center at 8pm when visiting hours are over and leaving Mom to sleep there all alone is absolutely heartbreaking. I can only imagine how awful it feels to Dad. My wife is fine, just far away and it sucks to not have her near. It can only be a million times worse for my parents. MS is a horrible fucking disease. But Mom is getting better and stronger day by day. She's the toughest person I know and I love her so much.


way before


ATOM 0.3