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Man, Saved

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I really like how these books would look all lined up next to each other. That's quite a collection of information we've created. Nice work people.

But I still can't believe I'm not out in the desert. And the fact is, there's still a 10% chance we're just going to say fuck it all and head east and north.

I also can't believe that this year, during the eclipse, someone lit the Man on fire! (update: here's the db that did it.) I'm certain that there are still people wandering around Black Rock City that a) can't figure out where the week went, and b) that someone did, finally, in fact, Save the Man! I'm sure they are certain that BRC ain't closing this year because for the First Time Ever, the Man didn't burn. Boy are they going to be surprised on Sat night! Maybe we'll even get to see it.

Here's another batch of photos from this year's event. Don't know the guy that took'em, but it's wonderful to see visions of the playa emerging on the 'net.

Update 2: lots more info on the early burn here, and the nytimes blog post here.

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