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Catbus and Other Fun

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It's not that I hate the Interwebs or blogging or any of that. It's just that my job drags me from behind this computer screen, out onto I95 north and south so I simply don't have the time to find awesome links for all of you as often as I would like. I will never give up, though. Never.

Volcanic lightning in Chile that I'm not sure I even believe in except that it's from National Geographic so it must be true.

And here's Catbus, if you're in the market for some new furry transportation. I'm gonna be buying a car in the next few days and I'm pretty sure it won't need petting. Just gas often and maintenance rarely because that's how Hondas roll.

Last is a pretty good list from Esquire about what all men should know how to do. According to this I'm doing pretty well, but there's always more to learn.


way before


ATOM 0.3