Alright, here we go. Year Three Four is in the hopper and year Three Three has been ground into the thin dust of personal history. This is gonna be the big one for me. Bigger than 18 or 21, more important than my first day of high school. This is the year I
make a million bucks, have a kid,
balloon around the world, capture
Bigfoot, write a book and unify Physics with the
Theory of Everything. Well, at the very least I'll
definitely have a kid. The ultrasound today proved that beyond a doubt.
If you're
bored I have some stuff for ya. For a really cool video and to hear an amazing song by M. Ward,
have a click here. (Thanks Mike!). Next check out a
Rube Goldberg video that turns out to be an advertisement, but is still a lot of fun. Or if you want to play some online Pictionary then
this is the place for you.
Started out this year a little wobbly. I find it hard to believe I am the age I am, and that I'm in the place I live and that I have a child on the way. Soon enough though all of it will feel normal, I'm sure.