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Okay, the weirdest thing just happened to me just a second ago.

I was writing the post below and while composing it, one of the links I considered was this one. I found it here, at the top of the page. But in the end I decided not to use it because, well, I just didn't feel like it. Instead I wrote the post you see below.

After that, I checked out my blog to see how the new post looked and saw that the first Archive link is from April 2006. Which makes this blog exactly 2 years old. Kinda cool. I didn't realize that. So I clicked around and started reading through some old posts when I came to this one. Make sure to click on the link in that last sentence. Crazy!

Alright, maybe it's not that crazy and it's just that I am, but it definitely threw me for a loop.

Good stuff. Good night!


way before


ATOM 0.3