Elm City Dad | Elm City Mom

Strangely Serene

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Thunder and lightning and pouring rain out there on streets of New Haven tonight. It was an ugly mucky mess all day and the final band of weather is passing through right now.

This must mean it's spring. Rain and thunder and humid sticky air. I love it.

The house is silent tonight as my preggers wife lays on the couch beside me dreaming of the fact that she has to pee, again, but doesn't want to and can't make it go away. Still can't do it for her. But that would be her superpower she's said many times. That she could make me go pee for her. Beautiful, isn't it?

Mine would still be perfect timing. The only downfall is that my superweakness would have to be super bad timing. And just like timing is everything, bad timing is the worst.

But this street art is anything but the worst. I'd love to see that pop up as I strolled through NYC some time. I also really enjoyed this series of photos of an abandoned roller coaster out in Ohio. Beautiful, eerie, and strangely serene for a structure that is so usually filled with motion and force. Last offering is an amazing game. Seriously awesome. You are gonna love playing this game for sure. Good luck, have fun and I know you will be able to find the crown. It just takes a little doing.

Look Lu... storm's gone.


way before


ATOM 0.3