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Major Bragging Post

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Alright I gotta do it and just get it over with 'cause I'm pretty damn psyched about the developments. I hope all of you are sitting down because this news will blow you out of the water. We're preg... oh wait, did that one already. No but seriously I wrote a post for the CT Green Scene blog, and you can find it here. I will be writing for that blog going forward and it's really exciting because it's the first time I've ever written for a blog that wasn't my own. I guess this is what it feels like to 'make it'. How sweet it is.

Last day of my old work life tomorrow. I hope to never speak of it again. Monday I will officially start the first completely real day of my new job. Everything about the way I think of work has to change as this begins. No longer is work the place I go to and leave. No clock rules my hours. This work has to be a way of thinking that I carry around with me at all times.

It feels fantastic to have it there. Work won't be a weight on my mind. Not a worry. More a way... a path to a better life for my family, my friends and a chance to help people have something they truly love. Yeah it's only coffee, but already in my many miles up and down I95 to every natural food store in sight, at events, at farmer's markets, I have heard the same response over and over again when I tell people what I do.

"I sell coffee," I say to them.

"I love coffee," they reply.

Then I step back and let the beans speak for themselves.

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ATOM 0.3