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Good day out there on the roads, but you can read more about that over at the Bean & Leaf blog Freshly Roasted. I'm going to stay focused on work over there, so I won't be talking about it all that much over here. Easier to keep things organized.

You might think that I would spend my time on thrunk talking about the impending birth of my first child. But that's not gonna happen either. Instead, if you're at all interested, you can follow along at home on Elm City Dad. Again with the ability to organize and write more effectively. I started it the day we found out, so you've got some catching up to do.

Of course, trying to keep up those 2 blogs is going to take a lot of time out of my ability to write on this blog. Specially since far less of my day will be spent behind a computer screen where I can idly research cool links. A windshield, instead, will be the primary piece of glass in front of my face now.

I have definitely not given up on <~thrunk~>. Not by a long shot. But if you find this blog not updated every now and then, chances are one or both of the other two have been. I do hope you stop by. I love that my friends are reading what I write, it really means a lot to me. So thanks for giving me a few minutes of your attention every now and then. I aim to keep you entertained.


way before


ATOM 0.3