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Week In Review

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The Week In Review was the only section that had articles that caught my eye this week.

The single most important piece of writing in the NYTimes today is this editorial. This administration uses torture, and it is disgusting.

A far lighter article is this one, about the search for extra-terrestrial life. There are 2 fascinating ideas in this article that I had never considered. One is that intelligent, communicative life is so rare the galaxy only flares with it during brief periods, far apart in time and space. And the other is the fact that as we transition to cable and satellites the Earth is becoming quieter. We're still here, but we're harder to see.

Last offering for today is not from the paper. It's from my brother Mark, created by his friend, also Mark. We watched this several times this weekend and howled with laughter every time. It is called Parking Garage: Beyond the Limit and I think you'll love it.


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