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Varieties of Genius

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Lots of goodness on the web today. Actually most of it has been there for a while, but today I was lucky enough to stumble across it. Quite a few of these come from growabrain, while others are from Neatorama, digg or reddit.

First of all and right away, you must check out this YouTube video mashup of Star Trek and the song "White Rabbit". Simply put, it is genius. And damn funny.

A more serious form of genius are these top 100 Photographs that Changed the World, from Life Magazine. The deeper you click, the more clear it becomes that they do, in fact, capture some truly powerful moments in history.

The photo above is not on that list. It's by Lulu, my wife, and it's of a beach in the Dominican Republic near the villa where we stayed. If you want to see the rest of them, go here.

I also really love finding art in usual places. For example, check out this stencil-story on the sidewalks of San Francisco.

And lastly, here's an inventive structure that I would definitely like for my kid to play on. And speaking of kid, yeah, it's true, I'm gonna be a dad. We're due on the 28th of September and I almost can't believe it. So happy, so excited, so freaked out. I know I can't prepare for this, so I'm just enjoying the luxuries I still have. Stuff like naps, popping off to a bar for a pint whenever I feel like it, reading the NYTimes cover to cover almost daily, and of course, that crazy little thing called 'time' that I hear you lose completely once there's a child in your life. This is something I've wanted for a long time and I'm so excited to see how it all rolls out.


way before


ATOM 0.3