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Just signed up for DropBox. Beta is coming out soon and if it works as well as the video suggests it could be pretty slick indeed. The ability to share large files instantly among various computers is definitely appealing. Another similar service is Wuala. They'll let us know when they are ready to invite more people.

Local drive vs network storage is a tricky question. It's wonderful to have certain files available no matter what computer you are on. But in certain situations it is definitely safer to keep your files local and protected, especially when it comes to finances or business.

I'll never get tired of seeing the shuttle launch into space. That one is from yesterday morning. This time they are carrying up a robot that is 12 feet tall and can be attached to the arm that extends from the shuttle's payload.

And from nearly as high as man can go, to a man who spends all of his time far closer to the earth than most others, take a look The Rolling Exhibition.


way before


ATOM 0.3