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Good Work!

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The Times sucked on Sunday and I was beat from a long weekend of work and fun. So yesterday was roasting beans, then driving home, then napping, then TV, and although I did get to relax with the paper for a few hours, there wasn't a whole lot that stood out.

Working for Bean & Leaf is incredible. My work schedule is completely warped and utterly different than anything I've ever done before. This could be the first time in my life that I worked all 7 days in a week and loved every second of it. Everything from talking to store owners about the coffee to roasting the green beans to tasting different origins has its own unique pleasure.

Another thing that is totally amazing about this business is that it can become anything we make of it. Right now all I am focusing on is getting as many beans as possible to pass through our Diedrich, and to make sure every single one of them is as perfectly roasted as possible.

Recently I have been moving so quickly through the world that sometimes I feel like this. Keep that up long enough, though, and it could make me freak out and retreat, like this amazing sea creature.

There's one more video that I want to share with you, but this is of an utterly serious nature. It is Lu, my wife, on TV talking about her amazing business. On Saturday morning we were in the studio of WTNH here in New Haven, and it was really interesting to see the broadcast in action. I'm so proud of her! She looked and sounded great throughout the interview and it makes me so happy that her incredible work is getting even more exposure. The story is here, and the link to the video is at the top left of the article.


way before


ATOM 0.3