This Post is Brought to You By Espresso
Published Thursday, March 20, 2008 by Bones | E-mail this post
RIP Arthur C. Clarke. I remember when I first saw 2001 I didn't understand it and I didn't like it. Now, the slow unfolding of
genius is wonderful to witness. His books blew my mind, over and over again.
It's 2am. I'm still wide awake. My new job is going to end sleep for me. Incessant coffee. Delicious espresso. And there's no x in there, people.
Check it out. I suppose that is good with a new kid on the way, though. The more I get used to not sleeping, the better off I'm going to be. An
espresso machine will probably help keep me on the level.
Take a flip through
mladen penev's images. The photo right is his, and it is from the "Power of Books" series. Amazing stuff.
I was also fascinated to read about a
new element. Truly, it is a discovery that reveals much about the world.
For you, Lu, I've found
a giant Galapagos tortoise and her tiny baby.
And the last bit is a
super crazy video you are just not going to
Alright time to do a few laps around the house then I'm definitely going to bed.