Elm City Dad | Elm City Mom


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First off I've got 2 quick and easy games for you to mess around with between tasks. Card Toss I found yesterday evening and spent entirely too much time aiming for the hat. Once I got a flow going I couldn't miss. Next is Double Maze and I promise it will drive you insane. In a good way. Until you storm away from the webpage with a disgusted click only to find yourself back there ten minutes later.

Even though I'm in my thirties, a part of me will always see the world out of a skateboarder's eyes. Just today I noticed a curve of asphalt that would have been perfect to skate. Don't get me wrong, though, I was never any good. It was just fun as hell. That's what makes this video that Tony Hawk put together so much fun. It's not even that his tricks are so spectacular in this clip, but more the fact that it is just him on his own, in his back yard with a video camera, some editing tools and an internet connection. He was a god when I was young and that he is still out there falling down and trying again, and still kicking ass, it's just damn impressive.

The robot called Big Dog is impressive, too. Spooky and lifelike in a totally inhuman way, it is hard to believe this machine can balance and move so quickly on its own. From the video the reactions look like reflexes. And reflexes on a machine are sorta terrifying.


way before


ATOM 0.3