Gaaahh! What a day. Some days no matter how hard you try, there's just no getting it right. Blogger has had the upper hand all day as I tried to create a post filled with pictures for the Freshly Roasted blog. I'm trying to put the word out about a local farmer's market and show all the vendors, but there's just no good way to do a photo layout with the tools provided. Gonna have to get creative to make it work.
Then the coffee machine and I did battle all afternoon. I finally emerged victorious, but I was foiled twice more when various owners of various businesses were not at said locations. Screw it.
Happy hour is almost here and I am more than ready.
But last night on the way home from roasting I heard an awesome program on
Radiolab about Orsen Welles' radio performance of H.G. Well's War of the Worlds.
Check it out here. A few things I found fascinating: Orsen originally did not want to do that story because he thought it was boring, and because everyone already knew it so well. Even crazier is the fact that the 1938 performance was not the last time it was done, and again, people were utterly fooled by the radio show.
Apple is the
#1 music retailer in the US. Here's how
NASA trains for
weightlessness. And if you're looking to get a bit more than zombie attacks and superpokes from Facebook then
these tips may help. The first one is especially interesting, although it does feel a little invasive.
Alright, time to see how east coast burritos stand up to SF's. Haven't had one since we moved.