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Boycotts and Beauty

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Lots of flights on the ground these days. This site might help.

And finally, a new offering on NPR's Project Song. It's a crazy song, and I'm looking forward to watching the video of its creation. Read through the article as you listen to the music. The tune is not at what I expected, but it is a lot of fun on headphones.

Oh and here's what did and didn't happen with the Olympic Torch in SF on Wednesday. My friend and I just got into a gtalk shouting match about how hard athletes work to get to this point vs. the tragedies and abuses of the host country and where pure competition beats political activism and where the hell did those clothes come from that the protesters are wearing and so on. We both agreed that we were both wrong and so was everyone else and then we moved on to other topics.

It actually reminded me of a scene from an amazing play Lu and I saw Wednesday night. It is called The Boycott, it is a one-woman show by Kathryn Blume, and it is awesome. If you see her performing nearby, go see the show. It is a lot of fun, it makes you think, and it is definitely worth your time.

Last is something 3 million other people watched and probably enjoyed. I give you Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros.


way before


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