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Sometimes when life gets a little complicated, I have to step back from the interwebs and my blog to figure things out. That was this week. Aside from being extremely busy with work and very rarely at the computer, whenever I was here, I was looking for a car. We need a machine in our life, but obviously not an actual "new" vehicle. I've never bought a car new and I doubt I ever will. Sure the smell is nice, but the 30% depreciation the second you drive it off the lot is not.

Right now I'm waiting on a call for the one we want, but it's in the bank's hands now. We thought it was going to be either an Accord or an Outback, but we test drove a Toyota Matrix, and it really looks like the right car for me. Great mileage, standard transmission and tons of space in back to load up with coffee, camping equipment or baby-stuff. Now that phone just has to ring so I can head out and sign another part of my life away!

Found this on the web last night and I must have it. I know Lu would love it, too. She hates wasting food of any kind. Plus it's just fun to have a jar with 2 ends!

For some YouTube fun, take a look at this squirrel obstacle course. Rather amazing that this wild creature was able to navigate the course so quickly. Of course with food at the end of it, the motivation is strong. What I still can't quite figure out, though, is why a human would go through the immense trouble to create this. Someone had a lot of time on their hands!

Last offering is a list of great free music sites on the web. I tend to stick with Pandora and Rhapsody for streaming music, but there are a lot more options out there.


way before


ATOM 0.3