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Breeze Please

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We are swimming in the airborn water particles of the Gulf of Mexico. A shot of tequila just slogged by.

Ween this weekend at McCarren Park Pool in Brooklyn. Heard good things about this venue and I'm looking forward to the event. Mets game will follow that up on Saturday eve. I hope they win just so my wife and brother are tolerable afterwards. They get grumpy when their team loses.

It is ridiculous here. I haven't felt humidity like this in a loooong time. The ocean is visible in the air around us. Thick shore summer fog is hugging the ground, clinging to my skin, causing me to sweat even though all I'm doing is typing. (that repost is for you Tina! Still so addictive.)

Last bit is a direct download to House of Cards. Enjoy.


way before


ATOM 0.3