The Science Times did it again for me. For a while there I was really enjoying that section of the NYTimes, but then recently either I've been too busy to get to it, or the topics didn't really grab me.
Today was all
space, technology and
quantum physics and it was a lot of fun to read. According to Ray Kurzweil, if we just manage to live another 15 years
our life-spans will increase faster than we age. I've always said I wanted to live to be 500 so I do hope he's right. And yeah, I do want to go to the
World Science Festival next year. I guess that means I'm officially a geek.

But one thing that is very cool is that we are leaving for SF tomorrow night. I can't even believe it. I've spent the last seven months trying to forget all the amazing wonderousness of living in that city in order to recalibrate my brain to a fantastic CT life. And it has worked! I do love living here and I am thoroughly enjoying the summer, the baby on the way, my work, family, friends, all of it.
But part of me is scared I won't be able to leave our former home. CT is a great place to live, but SF is pure magic.