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I'm constantly amazed that we are able to see the surface of Mars. That's the West Valley of that nearby planet, above.

I'm also constantly amazed by the things that people are afraid of. They won't go in the water for fear of a shark, but they'll get behind the wheel of a car without even thinking of it. Here's 10 situations where we humans do not do a very good job of assessing the odds.

And I know that at least once when you were away on a vacation, a thought crossed your mind about an oven still on or a back door wide open. But I doubt you would have imagined something like this.

These stuffed toys are awesome. I bet that's what they feel like on the inside all the time. Perhaps we all do.

Last bit is a little game to tie up the title with a final link. If you can get past the third screen, I'll be... impressed.


way before


ATOM 0.3