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Many Paths

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I had no idea that MMW had spun out into so many different directions. Martin and Medeski with a new album. Chris Wood playing music with his brother. It's cool to see a band as cohesive and interesting as Medeski Martin and Wood feel comfortable enough to explore whatever sounds and ideas compel them. I get a Beastie Boys feel from them. No matter, what they are in it to win it, together, and to the day they die, they'll always be a band. (The Mix-Up comes out on June 26. All instrumental, as if you didn't know that already.) And while we're on music, give this quiz a try. It's album covers you know, but some of them are reversed. So just how well do you really know them?

My friends are taking the year to travel the globe. I'm gonna try and find sites that will help them on their travels. Happy Cow tells you where there are vegetarian restaurants, all over the world. Lu would have loved this while we were in SE Asia. And it would have prevented a lot of wandering around looking for veggie pho in Vietnam! The image to the right is from our trip to Ho Chi Min City. It's the telephone and electricity wires and it absolutely boggled my mind. I can't wait to hear what boggles theirs.


way before


ATOM 0.3