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Saturday beats Sunday

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Lu's coming back tomorrow and I can't wait. It has been lonely here in New Haven! Even cooking isn't fun when she's not here to eat the meal I prepared, or, even better, when we both cook together. Of course the weather in SF is more pounding rain so her flight is already delayed 2 hours. Booo.

Spent Friday night scouring the Connecticut Fund for the Environment's web site because I will be interviewing with them on Tuesday afternoon. I'm thrilled. This is a great organization doing important work, and I would absolutely love to be part of the team. They are fighting for a lot of great causes, but there's one that is particularly important right now. Broadwater has been trying to put a liquified natural gas terminal in Long Island Sound for a while now, and final approval or rejection is getting closer. I hope we can shut this thing down. Even Governor Rell does not want it there.

Saturday I hung out with my brother Mike, and it was a good thing I did, too. The UConn men's basketball team had a big game, and apparently I've very good luck. "You're gonna have to come up and read the paper and chill out on that couch for every single game for the rest of the season, you know," Mike told me. I think he was only half-joking. The game report in the Sunday Times is nearly exactly how he assessed their performance.

Overall, though I found the Saturday Times to be a much more interesting this weekend. There's a great article about visiting Hawaii on a budget. Lu and I never had a chance to go there while in SF, but we are definitely heading there some day. Waking up in a campsite on the beach as the sun rises is exactly how we want to do it.

Also check out this article about recently-discovered negatives of the famous photographer Robert Capa. They knew there were lost negatives in a "Mexican suitcase," but until recently they had no idea if it was still in existence.

I have also been extremely intrigued by the scandal at Société Générale. This French bank just took 7 billion in losses because of some extremely bizarre, fraudulent and unethical trades made by a low-level trader over the course of many months. Although this has been reported on for several days running now, none of the articles really explain what the hell happened. It will be interesting to see if the full story is ever known, or if it is just swept aside, never to be revealed.

The other fun this weekend was seeing Cloverfield. I'll have a review for that tomorrow, among other things.


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