Alleviating Outrage
Published Thursday, June 14, 2007 by Bones | E-mail this post
My schedule has gone haywire now that I've started a new job. It's a job I probably should have done 4 years ago when I first got to SF, but it simply never occurred to me. I'm canvassing for the
ACLU via
Grassroots Campaigns. Some days we stand on a corner and accost strangers with tales of injustice. Other days we walk the big hills of this city and ring people out of their comfortable dinner chairs and away from their steaming plates of delicious food.
I feel bad doing it, just a little bit. I know how much it sucks to hear how bad things have gotten.
I feel even worse about all the times I've walked by someone smiling with a clipboard on the sidewalk, avoiding them at all costs.
This is, however, the first time I have ever felt like I am actually doing something in a real and tangible way to alleviate the outrage I have felt for a long time now. I have to see if this type of work is for me. I'm lucky to have such an amazing and supportive partner like Lu to help me test these waters. Without her extra hard work there's no way I could attempt this endeavor. Gonna see how it goes for a month, and then take it from there.
I'm tired of just yelling at my friends and seething at the news. It's time for me to step and see if there is anything I can do.
accoster. will be a chronicle of my new job as a canvasser.
<~thrunk~> will return to it's regularly scheduled posts about music, web tools, games, and life. Outrage at the former, fun at the latter. I do hope you enjoy it all. And, as always, thank you.