Elm City Dad | Elm City Mom

American Heads, Medium Toasted, Plus Oak.

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Here's a roundup of reviews for the iPhone. I'm definitely looking forward to testing it out. I'm confident it will be groundbreaking, but I will probably wait a while for the kinks to get worked out, and the price to drop. I also don't want to have to switch providers to buy it. That's a hefty chunk of change to tack on.

The image to the right is from the barrel room of the August Briggs winery. Lu finally got around to uploading the images of that awesome camping and wine-tasting weekend.

Wednesday night we're crossing yet another the list. The Mountain Winery in Saratoga. Rodrigo y Gabriela is (are?) playing and I'm very excited to see them again. I'm also very excited to check out the venue for the first time. The way that woman plays guitar does funny things to my insides. Sickness.

I just tried to post some other stuff, but I couldn't stop with the nasty metal-flamenco tunes. I think this video has the most views of any YouTube video I've found. Wow. Tomorrow night is going to be so fun.

Seconds Later Update: Make sure you watch this one. They (we) did this at the Grand, too, and it was exactly that.


way before


ATOM 0.3