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Copious Happiness

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This weekend we crossed another one off the list (of things we can't forget to do before we scoot out of SF). We attended an event at the Castro Theater. And even cooler, it was to see a film by one of Lu's friends from Brooklyn, Rebecca Feldman, and Rebecca's sister Sarah. It's a short called My First Time Driving, and it was really funny and very well done. Rebecca also conceived and directed Spelling Bee, a Broadway musical that got rave reviews. It was here in SF, but we missed it. However, we will definitely check it out once we're back on the East Coast.

We also went to Le Colonial this weekend, as a gift from our friends. French-Vietnamese fine dining and it was knock-out delicious. The only thing that marred the experience was the waiter leaving us to whither for 20 minutes after the meal was done and we had declined dessert. A Late Harvest Cab was waiting for us at home. (thanks Michelle!)

And of course there was the copious consumption of oysters at Tomales Bay State Park. 13 people. 250 oysters. 5 or so hours of utter deliciousness.

Clearly this is a shitload of fun for one weekend, but the beautiful thing was it took almost no planning and very little effort, but it resulted in an amazing way to spend the first anniversary of our real wedding, Camp Gallagosen. It's been an amazing year. I can't wait to see what all the rest of them bring.


way before


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