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Oh thrunk, I'm sorry. I'm neglecting you now that I have a shiny new blog to play with. But fear not, I will not toss you into the dustheap of interweb detritus.

Gonna be quick tonight, though 'cause I haven't had a lot of time to surf the vastness of the net recently to find those gems you've come to know and love.

But speaking of love, here's an awesome little note from one little dude to some other little dudette, where he's getting a feel for what this whole 'relationship' thing is all about. Priceless!

This image is a wonderful shot of the Earth, from space, at night. And yes, you're right, there's no way this photo could have been shot all at once for 2 very important reasons. But I'm sure you know what they are, so I won't get into it.

I do have bad news, though. The whole 'new car smell? Not such a good thing. Unreal! Next they're going to tell me ice cream doesn't make you younger and that beer isn't the nectar of the gods.

Wine country tomorrow night + camping + a barrel blend + friends = happy happy Bones and Lulu. I'm already psyched for the campfire.

Oh yeah one last thing, a big huge happy Father's day to my Dad of course, AND to my brother Mark. It's his first and I'm so friggin psyched for him.


way before


ATOM 0.3