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Hey You

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I like these rules.

I also really like this graph. It's a representation of the known Universe, as far as we can see. All the way at the bottom is the core of the earth, then the mantle, then the crust, then a tiny little sliver between the earth's crust and the ionosphere where we humans can survive.

And it's the season 4 premier of LOST tonight. We've only just started season 3, so we'll have to wait to catch them on repeats. I thought of the show when I saw this. And next time you're flying somewhere and your flight is delayed for any reason *besides* weather, remember Rule 240.

Next is something you didn't ask for and probably don't want, but neither did I and yet here we are. Polka Floyd. Yes, it's ridiculous, but give Hey You a listen and definitely wait for the polka goodness.

There's something oddly compelling about this site Drawball. I especially like the way they have you prove that you're human.

This photograph is incredible. It's sorta hard to believe that there are actually fish out that big.

Tonight's a scattershot, I know, but it's all I feel like doing. I'm just coasting around tonight, following endless link trails into the weird parts of the web. Despite that fact that I keep saying how much slower our life is here in New Haven, there still doesn't seem to be enough time to do everything I want to do every night and still get to be before 2am.


way before


ATOM 0.3