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A busy weekend meant I didn't have time to get my new CDs loaded up, and when I went to have iTunes rip them, it did it without grabbing any track information. And I'm not a big fan of that program anyway 'cause of the DRM (digital rights management). Instead, I was instructed by my friend Mat to grab Exact Audio Copy, which I just did. Seems like a really powerful program, which means there's lots of stuff about it I don't quite get. But I'm sure with use I'll figure it out. The songs still didn't load with Track/Artist info, which means it's the cd, not the ripper, but I'm happy to have a new program to grab music with.

Sphere is an interesting tool to grab information off the web. You add the Sphere button to your web browser, and then when you are looking at any web page, you can click on that button and find blogs talking about that topic. I like that it's a fast way to see what other regular people are saying about a particular news piece or event.

Data loss sucks. Especially photos or writing, anything you can't easily replace. Or, maybe you just need access to certain files from a whole variety of locations. Online storage is the way to go for both access and backup. Openomy gives you a gig, for free.

Also check out this powerful to-do list, and here's a tool to change your mood.


way before


ATOM 0.3