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Cool Birds, Spartan Lives

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There are birds of prey in downtown SF. Gracie and George. They are peregrine falcons, and they have a wee one in their nest. Every now and then, the falcons bring a pigeon back to feed the chick. These birds live in the city of San Francisco. There's plenty of food for them. My coworker found the site. He's been watching since the nestling was an egg. I think I might have heard him coo once or twice.

They are not the only cool birds in the city. Once in the Panhandle, I saw another large bird of prey powering its wings through the eucalyptus air. It was amazing. And near Coit tower, one lunchday afternoon, that same coworker and I came across the wild parrots of Telegraph Hill. The documentary of the same name--about those birds and the man that was captivated by them--is truly remarkable. I believe it's out on DVD very soon. Pair up and watch it.

In the meantime, watch this. You are going to be blown the fuck away, just like some of the guests on that talk show. Make sure to stick around till Module 3 of the first episode. It's pretty freakin wild.


way before


ATOM 0.3