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Seeing it All

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Okay some of you have seen a few of these but they need to be archived, so here we go:

Phish's Rift promo video. The passion is palpable and the music is kinetic. It forces you to dance. That it is naught but memories now, slices open my soul. There is a rift within, without them.

You know it is nearly Mother's Day, and I hope do something nice for her, just like these two did.

And I know you are wondering what the eff is going with the whole Net-Neutrality hullabaloo, and finally I have a good answer for you. Well not me so much as Ask A Ninja. He clears it all up quite nicely.

Since we're checking out what everyone is putting up, this article is worth a read about just how huge YouTube and MySpace have become. The former is about to become larger than CNN. That's kinda crazy, I think. We can see so much now, so much beyond ourselves, clear across the planet and a ways into the past. All of it is available at an instant's notice which almost turns it into something else entirely. We are on the verge of magic. Or destruction. But I guess that's the edge that we have always hung life on. Freezing on the savanna or burned by a stray, wild flame we'd thought we'd tamed. That's where we humans love to live. On the very cusp of time and in the hair thin slice of air between whirling rock and endless vacuum.

Air Guitar competition tonight that The Gil is in, and an airport pickup of friends. If times slices right, I can do both. Here's to hope and optimism. After all, tomorrow is Friday.


way before


ATOM 0.3