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Happy My New Year!

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Everyone else is always so nice on your birthday, sure. But when it comes right down to it, that day really only matters because it's yours. Like today is for me. New Year's Eve is always such a big ta-do, and I enjoy it, I truly do. I've had some of the best nights honoring that flip of the collective clock. But sometimes it doesn't work out. Sometimes New Year's can be a mess and often I've felt off from the cycle we're celebrating. A birthday is different for me.

This is my day to make my own in whatever way possible. There are certain things I've learned over the years that I like to fill it with. It doesn't always work out because life is often fickle, intrusive and annoying, but by the end of the 24 hours that mark another single cycle of this planet I've ridden around the Sun, I can usually fit most of it in.

Time for music friends food beer love laughter loudness hope. Time to finish my thirty-first spin, and start on thirty-two. Happy my new year! My resolution for myself and all of you is twofold: have more fun, and have more love.


way before


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