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Concept Vectors, Kleptones and Climate

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Softball. Sore. Many squats behind the plate. Wedding planning is beginning to take over my life. But I am adamant that we continue to have fun even as the vortex tightens.

I'm downloading the album 24 Hours by the kelptones right now. They remix music that's out there and give it away for free. It's not quite legal, but their refusal to take any money for what they are (re?)creating greys the situation a bit.

Al Gore is back and he's hot. Fired up. Impassioned about the one cause he has never wavered from, never stopped speaking about: the current and growing climate crisis. I hear the movie about his crusade for habitation on this earth is quite good. I look forward to seeing it when it opens in early June here in SF.

And now that you've absorbed "the multidimensional concept vectors" that "span a 'web of ideas,'" go read what the hell I'm talking about. It's a short essay on applying mathematical forumals to the use of the written word.

Now, pasta and wedding planning.

AM Update: 24 Hours is sick. It's a mixed tape of remixes set to the moments of your day. So fucking cool. You've got to check this out. Download it tonight and then turn it on as you walk out your door heading for work tomorrow. It was awesome, just as I was boarding the Muni "0835 Kick the Bus, Kick the Train" came on, and we descended into the tunnels as the beats kicked in.


way before


ATOM 0.3