Trying to use my wife's machine is like driving with three wheels and four gears. This computer has served us well, but the time has come for us to part ways. We were considering buying an Apple to mix it up a bit, but then her iPod crapped out. Again. In less than a year we've already had to send this thing back once, and it has never been all that reliable. I guess it's our fault for picking up a refurbished one from Apple's site. But they sold it and vouched for it, and it just flat out doesn't work the way it should.
I'm know ours is not the first recent iPod to shit the bed.
We called to see about getting help again, but Tech Support said we had to pay them to get some assistance. After the time we wasted shipping this thing back and forth, time on the phone, time spent trying to get the computer to recognized the device, the cost of the actual iPod itself... well there was no way we were paying for more help. Instead we went right to the source: Customer Relations. One phone call to that department and Apple solved our problem in less than 30 minutes. They sold us a lemon, and they were making good on it. A new, black 60 gig video iPod will be in our hands in less than 2 weeks. And it was the right thing for them to do. Now we just might go ahead and pick up that Powerbook Lu has been eyeing. But first we're going to have to throw around this new toy they're sending us to make sure it's solid and good. I see many dance parties in our future.
I can't wait to put this p.o.s. in the box and send it far away.
So links if you made it this far:
laws and
living the dream.
For music let's give
Lab Partners a shot. And here's a
Broken Social Scene video.