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First off I found another page that reveals the scale of a part of the Universe, namely our Solar System. The Earth looks pretty big at first, but then you see it next to the Sun, and it's a whole different ball game. That we're actually ON that speck, as even smaller bits of matter, is somewhat alarming. But, that we can even think about the enormous size of this Universe is a testament to the power of the miniscule human mind.

Just today I found out that a good friend of mine still hadn't put in his mind the book titled The Electric Cool-Aid Acid Test. That he's a Dead fan, a San Francisco fan and an avid reader makes it imperative that he read this book. If any of you fit also fit those criteria, then you too should be heading to the bookstore or clicking over to Amazon, right now. In the meantime, though, check out this site that talks about some of the events that Tom Wolfe's book deals with.

And since I'm talking about different ways to see the world, you should be sure to check out The Man in the High Castle, by Philip K. Dick. In this book, Japan and Germany won WWII, and the world as we know it is a completely different place. Incredible book and worthy of your attention.

Lastly, tunes. East Village Radio. According to Spin, this station "features a theme show for every iPod earbud in New York." Hopefully they're cool with some SFers and beyond listening, too, 'cause there's good stuff here. You can grab podcasts of each theme show from their schedule page.


way before


ATOM 0.3