Force x Distance = Work. Work + Love =??
Published Tuesday, May 30, 2006 by Bones | E-mail this post
The only bad part of having an amazing weekend is that it makes work that much more difficult to do. At least we've got a jump on the week. Today felt like a Monday, but I know tomorrow will have more of a Wednesday feel. The phone was an anchor today, dragging me down into the depths. I know my ability to sell suffers when I can't put energy into my pitch. They can hear the "I sure don't like working" in my voice.
In my head I was like
this freaky little android, lost in a maze of bullshit. I guess I could have used some
cheese. I hear it's good for everything.
There are a lot of definitions for the word 'work'. The one I like the best is the physics description: "Work is the transfer of energy." I can see my words traveling over the phone lines, exerting pressure on people to buy what I'm selling. Sometimes my words are effective in pushing that person over the purchase line. That's when it works. But if I don't have the energy for it, there's no way I'll get it done.
So how much energy do you put into what you do? Do you strive for excellence in your pursuit of fun? Do you put effort into your relationships? What does the food you eat result in? Those morsels going into your mouth are output as the accomplishments in your every day life.
I like it when I press down on the keys and words appear up here. I love it when my energies make Lu smile. (dishes done, clothes folded) And there's nothing better than hitting the ball hard up there at the softball plate. Unfortunately, tonight, we didn't work hard enough. Our force didn't put enough distance on the ball, in the right places, and so we lost.
I saw Jeffery Gitomer speak on Friday, and it was the best presentation I've ever witnessed. I went because it was part of my job, but I'm quite happy I was there to hear what he said. It all boiled down to a few key things: love what you do, have a positive attitude and never give up. The energy he expended giving his talk is going to make my work better, if I can bridge the distance between his words and my every day experiences.
But here's something strange to think about: if you put energy into whatever you do or whoever you love, somehow it stops being work, and it starts being something else. How awesome is that?