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Riding Bikes

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It's far too nice out to be inside, which is why it's a lucky thing I forgot my gym clothes. A bike ride through the actual outdoors is a much better choice anyway.

So let's talk about bikes. Typically the last Friday of the month is the Critical Mass ride in many cities around the globe. In some places it's a friendly bike ride. In others it is an act of protest. Here in SF, where it started in 1992, the latter is definitely the case. I have to remember to get out there for one of these very soon.

But when you're riding the streets of SF, sometimes a hill will appear that is nearly un-pedal-up-able. At least for some of us. A guy named Trevor Smith created a downloadable program that will map a safe route for you. We also have a hard copy of that type of map, which you can buy from the SF Bike Coalition, or get it when you join.

And if you're taking a bike ride through SF, one thing you could do is stop off and take a stroll through some of the hidden stairways of this city. A ride to one of them, then a jog up and down them isn't a bad way to work out on a gorgeous evening like this! There's Lu, time to ride.

PM Update: Lu's bike had a flat. We don't have a pump. Hence, bikes were not ridden, but a walk was taken. Regardless, the links above remain valid.


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