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Everytime I think I'm getting stressed out about planning our wedding, I think how much things suck for so many other people, and I remember that this is the stress of fun, not hardship. Still, things have to get done, and not doing them when they need to be turns the fun into something lame.

But some of my friends stress themselves in other ways. The events are their choice, and they force themselves to endure it, somehow. Maybe if they shared their endurance with each other, the support and competition of the community would push them to further heights. Triatholarians, you know who you are, so check out We Endure.

There's also a stress in the musical marketplace. I want to just listen to whatever I can get my hands on. But I also want the artists to get a tick on their Roster of Goodness every time I do it. Right now the interweb is set up based on trust, and it doesn't work as smoothly as it could. We need untraceable cash on the web, yet, we also need verification and accountability for some parts of it, like voting. Until that's all sorted out, this list of legal places to buy music might help alleviate some audio purchasing pain. Sharing music is essential, but supporting the artists that create, by buying their work and giving them cash, surely does feel good, too.

Another stress to think about: that billions of humans don't even know what the internet is. They have never used a computer. Sure, that's not as important as, say, food and potable water, but computers are powerful teaching devices. Besides, the more places with people connected to the net, the better. It's a great way to yell for help when the rest of the world isn't in earshot. One Laptop Per Child is working on it.

One thing about stress that a lot of people don't realize is the way it makes you wake up and pay attention. Stress is the point of focus. Even when you don't want to, if something stresses you out, you have to deal with it or you go slowly insane. Or, at least, I try to. The ones I can do anything about, anyway. But we humans are very good at finding ways to move beyond, to forget about and to deal with the hard focus on reality we must maintain every single fucking day. That's what I'm trying to make this blog about: finding ways around the tough moments and situations of the day. I'm looking for tools to make the web easier to play with, tunes to make our friends easier to dance with, words that make it easier to understand the world around us, facts that clarify the ambiguity of reality, images that capture instants of absolute truth and fiction that is even more correct.

thrunk is the sound of time hitting our souls. thrunk is the sun sliding below the horizon, into the ocean. thrunk is finding out what you thought was true, is not. thrunk is the taste of coffee in the morning. thrunk is the bus on time to the beat of your music and the rhythm of your stride. thrunk is stress spun free, for now.


way before


ATOM 0.3