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To the Woods and Water

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Sunlight streaming in, but the breeze is brisk. It'll get warmer as we move north and inland toward the Russian River. Here's some old school honky tonk rock and roll from a site called ANABlog. This is a cruisin' out of town tune. There's some other good ones on the site, too. Give it a look/listen.

Hopping into a canoe tomorrow morning to float the river. There's pretty much only 2 rules with a canoe: stay centered and keep your weight low. Still, only an instant of non-thinking and we'll be in the drink. In fact, I think it might be inevitable.

There's nothing better than getting out of the city, gathering around a campfire and laughing under the stars. Summer is almost upon us so it's time to start booking some weekends out in the woods. Here is a directory for the whole US. This is the official National Parks home page. And here is the .net site which isn't as pretty, but it does get the info out efficiently.

Alright, time to pack.


way before


ATOM 0.3