Elm City Dad | Elm City Mom

Remembering Not to Forget

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Gotta be quick tonight. Life is speeding up. Packing for my bachelor party, working in the AM and early afternoon, then north north north to Stinson beach for a weekend with the guys. The ladies are heading for wine country. I hear they have a pool. We have a pool table. If we need a dip, the ocean's right there, anyway. I'll take billiards. I also anticipate a great deal of grilled meat, poker, and a variety of games, competitions and challenges. I also anticipate moments of absolutely nothing. Complete chill-out as the TV or movie blathers on. I cannot wait.

So quickly then, quickly! Let us find some tunes and see a funny thing or two.

Jay-z vs. Billy Joel: Big Shot Pimpin. I know, I know, it sounds like lunancy. Thing is, it works. Check it. Then we've got The Duo with a new MySpace page. Last bit of music is the SS Cardiacs. When you click to the music page, scroll a bit and check out Noo Noo. Good stuff.

For fun images for the looking and enjoying, we've got a short of stop-action brilliance from the twisted mind of PES. This one's called Kaboom! and it's amazing. Click around, there's more in that site worth watching.

Now I must pack and remember not to forget anything. But who am I kidding I'm certain I'll forget something. And yet, then again, what do I really need besides the clothes on my back, my glasses/contact stuff, my fishing licence and some money? Nothing, that's what. I've got my friends all weekend, and they've got me covered.


way before


ATOM 0.3