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Sunday was a late one down in Jersey so I never really got the chance to settle in with the Times this weekend. Had lots of fun, though. Got to see our friends who are only about 7 weeks away from having their kid. They seem really excited and happy and it was awesome to hang with them only a few weeks before their lives change completely.

The Superbowl was fun, too. I don't really follow football, but as a Boston resident for 11 years, I do tend to prefer the Pats. Sitting in a room full of Giants fans in the middle of Jersey City was very interesting, to say the least. But it was a good game. And speaking of games, give this one a try. So fun. I had to drag myself away from the puzzles to finish this post. Oh and I promise no scary faces this time. This is a legit game for real so don't get nervous.

I've talked about Improv Everywhere before. Their latest action was for everyone involved to freeze at the exact same moment in the middle of Grand Central Station. Over 200 people participated. The YouTube of the event is here. The reactions are awesome.

Last bit is another video, but this one is serious in nature. Today is Super Tuesday, which means that a lot of you are voting. I will be, and it has taken me a long time to make up my mind. I'm almost there, but I won't truly commit until I'm in the booth. Discussions with friends online have helped, as did a chance to talk to a buddy who works in politics for one of the candidates. If you are still deciding, or just want to hear the perspective of a great thinker of our time, watch this. Lawrence Lessig is the guru of the Free Culture movement and he makes some very interesting points on why he is supporting Obama. In the end I think that is who I will go with, too. But to do that I have fully banish the cynical, distrustful and angry mindset that W, Rove and team have infused in me.

I'm looking forward to see how all of this plays out. I am very excited to vote tomorrow. It is one small step closer to evicting W from the house he has so thoroughly soiled and that makes me happy indeed.


way before


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